Elevating Women and Girls elevates us all

When you choose to raise your voice by giving to the programs of Generation W (a 501C-3) you are providing much needed resources to support year-round life-changing leadership, mentorship, and community building programming and experiences for women and girls.
Why Generation W?

Generation W is a nationally recognized organization focused on the education, inspiration and connection of women and girls in the service of building community.Your generous donation supports the following year-round Generation W programming that allows leadership development experiences for women and girls:

Generation WOW - Local and National Programming for Girls, Including the Following:

  • Mentorship Program
  • Generation WOW Clubs (Virtual and In Person)
  • Inspirational Gatherings for Hundreds of WOW Girls and Their Mentors
  • WOW Meet Ups

Generation W - National Thought Leadership Event

Generation W REfresh - Live Virtual Weekly Curated Conversations

Generation WORKS - Community Engaged Day of Service (Regional in Focus)


Learn more about how you can join forces with Generation W to elevate women and girls by contacting Christina Upchurch, Manager of Engagement and Development, at Christina@genwnow.com.